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Project Info

WebsiteWords & Music Online Magazine
Words & Music Online Magazine
SOCANView Online

Supporting emerging songwriters

About this project

In its final transition to becoming an online-only publication, C(Group worked with SOCAN to produce a new, innovative, mobile-first design for “Words and Music”. The new site offers an interactive editorial experience with capabilities to subscribe to the publication, personalize your experience by choosing the types of articles that you want to read in auto-generated emails and see on your customized personal home page. The site setup draws inspiration from the original print publication, retaining key features such as cover stories, and feature sections but was architected to offer an intuitive, highly readable mobile and tablet-friendly experience.

The design is based on enabling impact and provides a canvass within which editors can showcase the amazing visuals and photo library of SOCAN members and industry events offering a high profile, yet electric vibe of the Canadian music scene. With this transition, Words and Music is no longer a SOCAN members-only publication and intends to reach a far wider audience and claim its rightful position as a leader in music journalism.

Social Media Design and Strategy
Website Design and Development
Website Design and Development
Songwriters Hall Of Fame - Brand Identity
Social Media Strategy for Discover Ability Network