The C ( Group team is thrilled to present our work for Upper Canada College, Canada’s leading school for boys:
Upper Canada College contracted C ( Group to create this smart and vibrant environmental display design. The challenge? To design a display that was both informative and elegant.
“We needed something that was in keeping with the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program of Inquiry framework” says Dianne Jojic, Primary Years Program Co-ordinator for UCC. “We also needed a display that was clean that was in keeping with the school’s mission.”
C ( Group incorporated colours from the Upper Canada College brand and used key words from their mission statement. “We used a strong and effective typographical approach in a kind of cloud format” says Kenn Waplington, creative director at C ( Group.
“The display is quite polished looking,” Jojic says. “It’s a very classy, high-end product.” Watch the below video to learn what else Jojic had to say about her experience working with C ( Group: