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The Best Non-Profit Intel

Project Info

Exhibit Banners, Marketing Collateral, Print Design, Printed MaterialsNature Legacy Society Program
Nature Legacy Society Program
Nature Conservancy of Canada

Conserving Canadian nature in all its diversity

About this project

In a series of materials produced for the Legacy arm of the NCC, C(Group tells a story of need, support and thanks to some of their most important donors and prospective donors.

NLS (Nature Legacy Society) members have invested in the future of Canada’s natural heritage through gifts and endowments and the recognition brochure offers the medium through which to acknowledge and showcase how donor dollars have yielded results and show appreciation for those who have made NCC work possible. By virtue, it also encourages future donors.

Aimed at new legacy donors, brochures and tradeshow materials were written and designed to convey the importance of preservation of our natural Canadian identity for future generations and to encourage estate and willed giving.

Always mindful and meticulous about established brand guidelines and visual identity standards, our approach includes careful art direction of photography and typesetting. The vastness of the NCC image library lends particular challenges to selecting just the right visuals, but our approach ensures a good cross-section of inspirational, landscape and wildlife to reflect the great diversity Canada’s natural environment and the impact it has on us. The balance of the graphic design comes together with headlines, testimonials, or callouts.

Recruitment Social Media Campaign
Mobile App
Annual Report
Newsletter Design
Brochure Design
Annual Report
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