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The Best Non-Profit Intel

7 Ways to Use Social Media for Community Events

Make sure you are all rowing in the same direction when using social media to promote events. Recently a friend asked me for suggestions for using social media for community events, specifically a local, community-based rowing crew club in which she and her children are involved. Her goals: more exposure, promote programs, increase interest in […]

Thinking Content? 6 Tips For Putting Your Plan Together

If you’re anything like us, you’re using the first few weeks of January to map out your organization’s goals for the year. While some new year’s resolutions revolve around keeping the staff fridge clean, others are decidedly more high-level. In 2015, more marketing departments are trying to operate like newsrooms, and as such, the content calendar […]

Content in Context

The word “content” has become a catchall for anything you write, create, or curate, and share on the internet. but what does it mean to produce content as a business or organization? and how can you do it without annoying or over-saturating your audience?

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