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The Best Non-Profit Intel

Best Donation Form Practices to Actually Boost Fundraising

You finished designing your website. Great job! Now you are ready to share it with the world and see the donations pour in, right? Not so fast. What’s the donation experience that you’re offering? How does your donation form work? You only have one chance to make a first impression. So make sure it is the best. […]

How to Reach Beyond Your Typical Donor Base

As we reach the end of 2019, reflections and evaluations are at the forefront of everyone’s minds. What is working well? What could we change? How can we grow and create a larger impact? How can we make next year even better? One of the best ways to increase your impact is to expand your […]

The ABC’s of Winning a Lapsed Donor Back

Imagine this scenario: Your organization received a donation from a donor once or twice but have not received anything this year. Some nonprofit professionals may say well that donor is gone, time to find a new one. WRONG! Studies show that it costs less to retain, or re-engage, a lapsed donor, then it does to […]

How Small Nonprofits Can Acquire Major Donors

Just because your organization is small doesn’t mean it can’t bring in big donors. In fact, some of your best prospects might be right under your nose. These tips will help you find major donors by capitalizing on the connections you already have and expanding your reach in the community. Do more with your database […]

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