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The Best Non-Profit Intel

The ABC’s of Winning a Lapsed Donor Back

Imagine this scenario: Your organization received a donation from a donor once or twice but have not received anything this year. Some nonprofit professionals may say well that donor is gone, time to find a new one. WRONG! Studies show that it costs less to retain, or re-engage, a lapsed donor, then it does to […]

The Procrastinator’s Guide to End of Year Fundraising

Smart fundraisers start planning their end of year fundraising as early as July.  Why?  Many successful organizations raise as much as 30% of their individual gifts in December along, sometimes as much as 50%! Did you procrastinate? There’s still time for you to make end of year epic. You just have to pick and choose […]

Grant Seeking 101: Managing the Grant

Congratulations! You got the grant! It probably took you a long time to get here. The entire grants process—from writing the application to receiving the award—can take anywhere from six months to several years. But really, your work has just started. Now it’s time to do what you promised and manage the grant effectively. In this […]

How Small Nonprofits Can Acquire Major Donors

Just because your organization is small doesn’t mean it can’t bring in big donors. In fact, some of your best prospects might be right under your nose. These tips will help you find major donors by capitalizing on the connections you already have and expanding your reach in the community. Do more with your database […]

5 Tech-Savvy Fundraising Strategies for Your Next Event

One of the most tried and true fundraising strategies for most nonprofits is events. But are you getting the most out of your events? After all, the people who attend are your most important supporters. These people give you their time – something they’ll never get back. So how do you get more people excited […]

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