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The Best Non-Profit Intel

Strategic Communication: External Nonprofit Communication

Once you and your team have worked together to fine-tune your internal nonprofit strategic communication initiatives by constructing a mission statement, vision statement, and identifying your core values, you can now start to strategize your external nonprofit communication efforts. There are several forms of external nonprofit communication which include: Website Content Emails Newsletter Social Media Press Releases  […]

4 Ways to Support Your Nonprofit’s Outreach with Direct Mail

Successful outreach requires understanding your donors and what makes them decide to give. Of course, no two donors are exactly alike, which means your nonprofit has to account for lots of different supporters with different motivations and different ways to reach them. Expanding your outreach strategy to attract new donors (and keep the interest of current ones) […]

8 Tips to Re-Engage Lapsed Donors Through Email

Acquiring and retaining new donors requires effective marketing, staff time building the relationship, and continued stewardship. Individual donors are critical for nonprofits’ operations, yet greater than 75% end up giving a gift just once. With the investment you put into attracting new donors, it’s worth taking time to analyze which of your donors have lapsed in their activities and email […]

The Anatomy of an Effective Fundraiser Letter

Social media is all the rage these days. Although less personable, it’s become a major outreach tool. But according to the Blackbaud Institute, while social media is on the rise, direct mail has declined from 49% to 23% of donors from 2010 to 2018. Yet, direct mail remains viable for “mature donors” born 1945 or sooner. This […]

Choosing the Right Email Marketing Platform for Your Nonprofit

This isn’t about making pretty, branded emails. Yes, you can do that in Gmail. This is about reaching and engaging with your key supporters, increasing participation with your volunteers, and securing more generous gifts from your donors. So many nonprofits are already heavily immersed in the email marketing game. But if you’re one of the […]

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