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The Best Non-Profit Intel

Find More Money: Partnerships that “Pay”

You’ve got great insight as to where you need to push the needle to further your impact; You probably also have great ideas about what and how to do it. But there is just not enough time, resources, or bottom line money to make it happen in order to see the results you imagine. You […]

Defining the “R” in Social Media ROI

Social media has been a buzzword since the early 2000s, and now that brands have invested in sustaining a presence on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and more, marketing executives and CEOs are eager to see the ROI (return on investment).

C ( Group at the CSAE Winter Summit

Late last month, the Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario presented to the Canadian Society of Association Executives at their Winter Summit, an event organized to help senior association members develop their leadership skills. A panel of RGD members, including C ( Group’s own Laura Sellors, spoke on the importance of design thinking when approaching communications projects. Laura spoke on C ( Group’s […]

RGD Sponsor Appreciation Night & Logo Agenda Launch

It was a night to remember: last Tuesday evening, the RGD (Registered Graphic Designers of Ontario) hosted a gala at the Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art to recognize their sponsors and to launch their fabulous logo agenda for 2012. It’s was a night of good wine and great company! Above: RGD President Lionel Gadoury, RGD Director of Communications Hilary […]

Measuring Social Media ROI: 3 Things to Consider

This post appeared on Mashable, though it was originally published on the American Express OPEN Forum.  It has been repurposed here for the CRESCENT community.  What’s the ROI of social media? That’s the million-dollar question that every marketer and brand manager would like to answer — and yet, we still can’t do it. Earlier this […]

C ( Group Awarded for Nonprofit Visual Identity

As we’ve noted in earlier posts, the RGD (Registered Graphic Designers) have selected C ( Group’s work to be included in their annual Logo Agenda.  Three of our logos will be showcased, including our work for the Transitional Council of the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario (see below). We’re thrilled to be included in the […]

Buzz for C ( Group

Social media is just that—social ! Channels such as Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter are excellent platforms for community and conversation, and most of all, social media is a great way of mapping the growth of your brand’s online enterprise. Any good social media plan incorporates a social listening strategy. Who is talking about your brand […]

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