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The Best Non-Profit Intel

The Nonprofit Summer Reading List

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The weather is warm, summer camps are in full swing, BBQs are a weekly occurrence, and as the sixth month of the year wraps up, some organizations are already gearing up for end-of-the-year asks and setting up holiday campaign fundraising goals.

While it might seem a little early to start thinking about 2020 to some (hint: it’s not), it’s the perfect time to benchmark where 2019 has taken you. Are you on course to reaching those optimistic January goals and resolutions?

This list is comprised of tools, research, fundraising ideas, and other reading material to give you insight into how the sector as a whole is doing and what your strategic focus should be going forward. I hope these resources fill you with inspiration and gusto to go out and create your own amazing content!

The Nonprofit Summer Reading List

Sector Insight:
  • Charitable Giving Report Quiz: The Blackbaud Institute for Philanthropic released the 6th annual Charitable Giving Report at the beginning of the year. You may have already read the report, but a few months later, do you remember everything that was in the report? Have you revisited it when you need to pivot or reevaluate your strategy? Is it all just a blur of numbers and percentages now? Take the Quiz to see for yourself!
  • A Philanthropist’s Guide to the Future: Philanthropy is changing. This report, presented by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, offers insight into why social impact professionals work, how they work, and what will enhance their work, along with information and data about what it means to be an active donor.
  • Blackbaud Index: The Blackbaud Index provides great fundraising ideas and resources that bring you the most up-to-date information on charitable giving today. Compare your fundraising performance against the Overall Index.
Strategic Planning:
  • 10 Steps for a Midyear Fundraising Checkup: Have you revisited your fundraising budget? When’s the last time you reviewed your plans or asked for feedback from your team? Use this checklist to check in.
  • Fundraising Scorecard: How well is your fundraising program performing? Gail Perry’s insightful blog post and scorecard will give you a realistic measurement into the organization and productivity of your programs.
Organizational Culture:
Fundraising Programs:
  • Sustainers in Focus Part 2: How focused is your organization on monthly, or sustained, giving programs? The six best practices uncovered in Sustainers in Focus Part 2can help jump-start a monthly giving program or take your current processes to the next level. I’d also suggest reading Sustainers in Focus Part 1 to reminder yourself of the bottom line: sustained giving works.
Nonprofit Marketing:
  • Technical SEO Glossary: Want to increase the amount of visitors to your nonprofit website? This article from NTEN provides the SEO terms you need to know.
Community Inspiration:
Nonprofit Best-Sellers:

Happy reading!


This article by Kelsey Bowden was published on npENGAGE. Read the original article here.


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