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The Best Non-Profit Intel

Roundup: The Best Year-End Fundraising Advice From Nonprofit Consultants

Your busiest giving season is right around the corner. Are you prepared? In this roundup, I compiled the best year-end fundraising advice from several nonprofit consultants in my network. Use these best practices to get a jumpstart on your year-end planning. 1. What is the biggest mistake you see nonprofits make at end of year? […]

Top 12 Fundraising Tips for December

December is around the corner and we want to share best tips for your year-end fundraising. Sit back with your eggnog, put your feet up and review our list of what you need to know so you can have the best giving season ever: 1. Share your metrics for your December fundraising. Whether it’s total dollars raised, number of […]

Telling Better Stories During Year-End Fundraising

Storytelling is an innate part of fundraising. Whether or not we do it intentionally, we are always in the midst of constructing a narrative about our organization, its work and why people should support it. During year-end fundraising campaigns, organizations tend to step up their storytelling efforts ten-fold. Some campaigns are even built around a single story. […]

Capturing Attention During Year-End Fundraising

Let’s face it: Each year-end fundraising season seems to get noisier than the last. With millions of nonprofits around the globe asking for donations on Giving Tuesday, throughout the holiday season, and in the last two days of December, it’s no wonder donors (and staff) have a bit of a fundraising hangover come January. For […]

The 5 Rules for Supercharged Year-End Giving

In working with dozens of faith-focused organizations on year-end giving programs, I have found that there are five basic rules that must guide your strategy if you want to steadily increase year-end giving each and every year: Rule #1: Make Sure Your Message is Consistent The first rule for strong generosity at the end of the year […]

3 Tips to Help Your Nonprofit Get Ready for #GivingTuesday

As you start to get ready for Giving Tuesday, it can seem like a monumental task. Below are three tips for you to use to make sure you’re making the most of one of the fastest growing giving days on the calendar! 1. Communicate the mission, not the day If you’re participating in Giving Tuesday this year […]

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